

Meal Prep




Frequently Asked Meal Prep Questions

Black Dot Circle

Where is your service offered?

We are based out of Kalamazoo and offer service throughout southwest Michigan.

Black Dot Circle

Where is the food prepared?

Radiant Plate is an in-home meal prep service. We will prepare everything in the privacy of your home kitchen and place the packaged meals in your refrigerator.

*If you do NOT wish for us to cook in your home, please communicate your preference with Chef Bianca. Another arrangement may be possible.

Black Dot Circle

What kitchen equipment do I need?

Standard equipment such as a functional stove top and oven will be required. We will also need basic equipment such as cutting boards, mixing bowls, pots, pans, baking sheets, and cooking utensils. Chef Bianca will provide her own knives and specialty cooking equipment.

Black Dot Circle

Can you provide calories or macronutrient information?

No, we do not provide this. At Radiant Plate, we cook with nutrient-dense whole-food ingredients and can customize your menu to align with your preferences and dietary needs. If you would like to provide us with specific nutrition guidelines and measurements to follow, we are happy to portion the food according to your instructions.

Black Dot Circle

How long does the food keep?

Per FDA regulations, we recommend eating freshly made food within 4-5 days. You can also opt to freeze your meals to last up to several months. If you would like freezer-friendly meals, please communicate this with Chef Bianca while in the menu planning process.

Black Dot Circle

Do I have to be home during the cooking service?

No, we often cook for clients while they are at work. You’ll come home to a clean kitchen and a refrigerator stocked with healthy delicious meals!

Black Dot Circle

Do you cook for kids and/or babies?

Of course! We adore cooking for the whole family and are happy to accommodate to various taste palates or sensory needs. We’re always excited to help your picky eaters try new vegetables or provide purees for your growing baby.

Black Dot Circle

How often can I have meals prepared?

Radiant Plate is very flexible with scheduling. We can provide meals on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. If you only need meal prep help every once in a while, on special occasions, or for holidays, we can help with that as well.

Black Dot Circle

I’m working with a wellness practitioner, can I connect you with them?

Yes! If you are currently working with a doctor, dietician, or any other wellness practitioner on your health goals, we would love to be connected with them. We are more than happy to follow their guidance and recommendations when designing meals for you. Or we can even prepare meal plans that they have provided to you.

Black Dot Circle

Can you prepare a specific recipe I have?

Absolutely! We can prepare just about any recipe you give us. If the recipe requires rising or long preparation times, such as soaking, we may opt to prepare it partially off-site.

Ready to get started?

Fill out our questionnaire and we’ll be in touch.

Meal Prep Questionnaire

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